
The true 'Good Life'. I'm an amateur photographer, living in one of the most brutal, yet beautiful places on Earth, Alaska. I also raise goats, and the occasional pig or two. I will keep this updated with lots of photos. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Yaks and Spring

Most of you who read this, know that I'm babysitting a young Tibetian Yak named Jack. He's a really sweet guy! So today it was very nice out, almost 40 degrees and NO WIND! So Jack and I took full advantage, he hadn't been walked for quite awhile...to say the least. So it was a chore getting a halter and lead on him, then we took a fairly good hike up the road, I gotta say training a yak is very easy on ice! he got all anxious a few times, ready to run and kick up his feet, but then landed firmly on his behind...lol

To the Right is Katie, a 50% Boer

Then...I got back home, put Jack away, and Alas! SUN! and the goats were being very photogenic, standing waiting for their feeders to be topped off once more for the night...here's
what I got:

Yup, a good day of school, photos, goats and...stuff :)
-- Katrina

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